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With the acceptance of Low-Carbohydrate Diets as the most effective way to
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survives as the fittest in the Paleo-Diet Jungle, having
already helped thousands of people lose weight, overcome debilitating
disorders and live leaner, healthier and happier lives. The main premise of
the book is, that by rejecting processed foods, and returning to the diet
that our digestive system had already evolved to process in Paleolithic
times, we can avoid the pitfalls of auto-immune diseases and disorders that
are a direct result of foods that must be processed to be made edible. In
the words of the author:
"Never eat anything that you cannot get naked,
armed with only a sharp stick." Ray Audette
NEWS & Views
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Weis" <mikew***s@STANFORD*****I.ORG>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 11:58 AM
Subject: WOW!!!!!
I just had to write to announce that for the first time in over 10 years, I
woke up this morning
weighing 175 pounds. I have weighed something like 180-185 for so long,
totally unable to
lose those few pounds, that I had all but given up ever being able to lose
them. I just thought I
was genetically destined to have my dad's stomach.
I started this past week on Sunday at 182, and I am now at 175 and I am not
hungry most of the
time. When I stick to paleo I lose weight and when I break it, I gain it all
back...often in just one meal. That's what happened last week.
"closely resembles the diet
I have prescribed for over 5,000 overweight patients
in the last eight years. This plan
weight and improves diabetes, high
blood pressure,
and cholesterol by addressing the
underlying problem
-- our modern diet. Ray sees the
forest as well as the trees!"
R. Eades, M.D.
Author of Protein
Author of Neanderthin
Ray Audette will be Interviewed on the The Splendid Table
Show via Phone. Tune in to your Local Station if they run the show or visit
http://splendidtable.publicradio.org/ to hear it via streaming
audio. August 31, 2004 at 12:30 PM CST
Hear the latest
Interview with
Ray Audette
See the
will soon offer a wide range of Products, Recipes and Endorsements to help
make the world a healthier place. Please See Our News Page for the Latest
For Interviews and to schedule a speaking engagement please
Our many thanks to
all our fans, supporters and adherents since our first publication over 10
years ago. What a difference a Decade makes.
A Few Testimonials
My son Bruce is 23 years old and has ALS. He heard you speak on public
radio here in Houston and bought your book.
Bruce started the diet and began to feel better the first week.
Since then he has gained 11lb. and he is still gaining. This is unheard of
for someone with ALS for 5 years. He has also gained so much energy and
strength, which increases daily. One of the aspects of this illness is
losing weight and wasting away. When Bruce started the diet he weighed
88lb. I called Bruce's neurologist, Dr. Frank Yatsu head of Neurology at
University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, and he said it was a
After going on the diet strictly (but remarkably easy), my need for sleep
dropped dramatically after a week (from 8+ hours to 6-7 hours), and over
the course of three months, I unintentionally lost fifteen pounds.
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May 2000