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As It Is Written
Only through
hunting and gathering knowledge
will your path lead you to the meaning of life.
Abrams, Jr., H. Leon,
"Vegetarianism: An Anthropological/Nutritional Evaluation."
Journal of Applied Nutrition
Vol. 32, #2 (1980) 53-87.
Aiello, Leslie C. and Peter Wheeler,
"The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis: The Brain and the Digestive System In Human and Primate Evolution."
Current Anthropology
Vol. 36, #2 (April 1995) 199-221.
Ames, B.N.,
"Carcinogenic Risk Estimation"
Science 240 (May 20, 1988) 1043-47.
___, "Paleolithic Diet, Evolution and Carcinogens"
Science 238 (Dec. 18, 1987) 1633-34.
Series of articles by one of the leading authorities on the causes of cancer.
Ames shows how common foods may pose a greater threat of cancer
than some of the chemicals often labeled carcinogenic.
Ascherio, A. and W. C. Willet,
"Health Effects of Trans-fatty Acids."
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Vol 66: 4 Suppl (Oct. 1997) 1006S-1010S.
Atkinson, Mark A., Noel K. Maclaren,
"What Causes Diabetes?"
Scientific American (July 1990) 62-71.
Bishop, Jerry E.,
"More Fatty Foods Are Backed in Test of Diabetic Diets."
Wall Street Journal (May 11, 1994).
Boehmer, Harald von, Pawel Kisielow,
"How the Immune System Learns about Self."
Scientific American (Oct. 1991) 74-81.
Bower, B.,
"The 2-million-year-old meat and marrow diet resurfaces."
Science News (Jan. 3, 1987) 7.
Bryant, Vaughn,
"I Put Myself on a Caveman Diet—Permanently."
Prevention Vol. 31 No. 9 (1979) 128-37.
_____, "Eating Right Is an Ancient Rite."
Natural Science (Jan. 1995) 216-221.
_____, "Prehistoric Diets."
University Lecture Series, Texas A &M University (Nov. 28, 1979).
_____, "The Paleolithic Health Club."
1995 Yearbook of Science and the Future (1994) 114-133.
published by Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., Chicago.
Vaughn Bryant is the head of the Department of Anthropology
at Texas A & M University and is also a professor of biochemistry.
Cerami, Anthony, Helen Vlassara
and Michael Brownlee,
"Glucose and Aging."
Scientific American (May 1987) 90-96.
Centofanti, M.,
"Diabetes complications: More than sugar?"
Science News Vol. 148 (Dec. 23 & 30, 1995) 421.
Cohen, Leonard A.,
"Diet and Cancer."
Scientific American (Nov. 1987) 42-48.
Dahlqvist, Arne,
"Lactose Intolerance."
Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews (August 1984) 649-658.
DeBakey, Michael,
"Serum Cholesterol Values in Patients Treated Surgically for Atherosclerosis"
Journal of the American Medical Association
Vol. 189 (1964) 655-659.
Shows that there is no definitive connection
between serum cholesterol levels and atherosclerotic disease.
Diamond, Jared,
"The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race."
Discover (May 1987) 64-66.
Explains how the invention of agriculture
caused war, disease, oppression and the income tax.
Diamond, Jared,
"The Great Leap Forward."
Discover (May 1989) 50-60.
Describes the Neolithic Revolution.
Dolnick, Edward,
"Beyond the French paradox."
Health (October 1992) 40.
Explains how the French have a high-fat diet and very little heart disease.
Dunbar, Robin,
"Foraging for nature's balanced diet; finding the link between diet and longevity among human and animal groups."
Focus (Aug. 31, 1991) 25.
Eaton, S. B., Melvin Konner,
"Paleolithic Nutrition: A Consideration of Its Nature and Current Implications."
The New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 312 No. 5 (Jan. 31, 1985) 283-289.
An absolute MUST READ!!!
Evans, G. H. et al,
"Association of magnesium deficiency with the blood lowering effects of calcium."
Journal of Hypertension Vol. 8 (1990) 327-337.
Frisch, Rose E.,
"Fatness and Fertility."
Scientific American (March 1988) 88-95.
Garg, Abhimanyu, M.B.B.S., M.D. et al,
"Effects of Varying Carbohydrate Content of Diet in Patients with Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus."
Journal of the AmericanMedicalAssociationvol. 271, #18 (May 11, 1994) 1421-1428.
Shows how a low-fat diet caused a rapid increase in LDL-cholesterol levels
in insulin-resistant—i.e., overweight—patients.
Henry, Linda,
"Wild Side: Bodybuilders advance to primitive protein for lean muscularity."
Muscle & Fitness (March 1994) 85.
Hopkins, Susan,
"Eating the caveman's high-fiber diet can be healthy."
The Battalion Vol. 74 No. 179 (Thursday, July 23,1981) 1.
Johnson, Mary Ann,
"The Georgia Centenarian Study: Nutritional Patterns of Centenarians."
The International Journal of Aging & Human Development Vol. 34(1) (1992) 57-76.
Explains that hundred-year-olds typically eat high-fat diets.
Krajick, Kevin,
"Waiter, There's a Fly in My Soup, and I Ordered the Cricket Salad."
Newsweek (Sept. 20, 1993) 59E.
Knott, C.
"Changes in orangutan diet, caloric intake and ketones in response to fluctuating fruit availability."
Int J Primatol (1998).19: 1061-1079.
Larkin, Marilynn,
"Cave Cuisine."
Health(Nov. 1985) 37-38.
Leonard, Wm. R., Marcia L. Robertson,
"Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Nutrition: The Influence of Brain and Body Size on Diet and Metabolism."
American Journal of Human Biology Vol. 6 (1994) 77-88.
Similar to Aiello's "Expensive Tissue Hypothesis..."
Lowenstein, Jerold M.,
"Who ate what when."
Oceans (June 1988) 72.
McKie, Robin,
"Meaty evidence: Steak made humans smart."
(quotes Current Anthropology journal) London Observer Service (Jan. 14, 1995).
Mead, Nathaniel,
"Don't Drink Your Milk!"
Natural Health (July/August 1994) 70-73, 112.
Milton, Katharine,
"Diet and Primate Evolution."
Scientific American (August 1993) 86-93.
Molleson, Theya,
"The Eloquent Bones of Abu Hureyra."
Scientific American (Aug. 1994) 70-75.
O'Dea, Kerin, Ph.D. et al,
"Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Hyperinsulinemia and Hypertriglyceridemia
in Australian Aborigines from the Desert."
Diabetes Care Vol. 11, No. 1 (Jan. 1988) pp. 23-29.
Compares effects of urban life and hunter gathering on Australian Aborigines.
Raloff, J.,
"High-fat diets help athletes perform."
ScienceNews Vol.149 No. 18 (May 4, 1996) 287.
_____,"Obesity, diet linked to deadly cancers."
Science News Vol. 147 No. 3 (Jan. 21, 1995) 39.
Reiser, Raymond,
"The Three Weak Links in the Diet-Heart Disease Connection."
Nutrition Today Vol. 14 (1979) 22-28.
Rennie, John,
"The Body Against Itself."
Scientific American (Dec. 1990) 107-15.
Richardson, Sarah,
"Medicine Watch: A One-Two to the Brain."
Discover (Nov. 1994) 36-37.
Roach, Mary,
"Advice from the World's Biggest Weight Experts: Their Gain Can Be Your Loss."
Health (March/April 1993) 62-72.
Describes the traditional, low-fat diet of Japanese sumo wrestlers.
Rosenberg, Steven A.,
"Adoptive Immunotherapy for Cancer."
Scientific American (May 1990) 62-69.
Scientific American, Special Issue:
"Life, Death and the Immune System."
(Sept. 1993) entire issue.
Nevin S.,
"Iron Deficiency."
Scientific American (Oct. 1991) 46-52.
Explains how vegetarian diets lead to anemia, lethargy and reduced IQ in children.
Serra-Majem, Lluis et al,
"How could changes in diet explain changes in coronary heart disease mortality in Spain? The Spanish paradox."
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1995) 1351S-9S.
Shaper, A. G. et al,
"Cardiovascular studies in the Samburu tribe of Northern Kenya."
American Heart Journal Vol. 63 No. 4 (April 1962) 437-442.
Shepard, Paul,
"A Post-Historic Primitivism."
For "The Wilderness Condition: Realia Conference on Environment and Civilization"
Estes Park, CO (August 17-23, 1989).
Hunter-gatherer philosophy for the modern man.
Sojka, J. E. and C. M. Weaver,
"Magnesium supplementation and osteoporosis."
Nutrition Review Vol. 53 (1995) 71-74.
Speth, John D.,
"Early Hominid Hunting and Scavenging: The Role of Meat as an Energy Source."
Journal of Human Evolution Vol. 18 (1989) 329-343.
Attempts to calculate the amount of meat and fat required for hominid survival.
Stahl, Ann Brower,
"Hominid Dietary Selection Before Fire."
Current Anthropology Vol. 25, No. 2 (April 1984) 151-68.
Explains the constraints on human diet without fire.
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur,
"Adventures in Diet, Part 1."
Harper's Monthly Magazine (Dec. 1935) 668-75.
_____, "Adventures in Diet, Part II."
Harper's Monthly Magazine (Jan. 1936) 46-54.
_____, "Adventures in Diet, Part III."
Harper's Monthly Magazine (Feb. 1936) 178-189.
Stipp, David,
"The Way We Were: Our Prehistoric Past Casts Ills in New Light, Some Scientists Say."
The Wall Street Journal (Wednesday, May 24, 1995) 1 & A6, Col. 1.
Stuart, Anthony J.,
"Mammalian Extinctions in the Late Pleistocene of Northern Eurasia and North America."
Biol. Rev. Vol. 66 #4 (1991) 453-563.
Torrey, John C. and Elizabeth Montu,
"The Influence of an Exclusive Meat Diet on the Flora of the Human Colon."
Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol. 49 (1931) 141-176.
United Press International,
"Anthropologist: Eat like a caveman and live to 100."
The San Diego Union (Saturday, Oct. 14, 1989) C-6.
Urgert, Rob, et al
"Separate Effects of the Coffee Diterpenes Cafestol and Kahweol
on Serum Lipids and Liver Aminotransferases."
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol. 65 (1997) 519-524.
Wallis, Michael,
"Anthropologist Vaughn Bryant Lost 30 Pounds (But Not His Health)
Eating What The Cave Dwellers Ate."
People (Feb. 19, 1979) 103-4.
Washington, Harriet,
"The back to the future diet; healthy diet habits of traditional cultures."
Harvard Health Letter (June 1994) 6.
Wurtman, Richard J. and Judith J.,
"Carbohydrates and Depression."
Scientific American (Jan. 1989) 68-75.
Explains the role of complex carbohydrates in mood swings.
Zane, Frank,
"Bodybuilding Advisory: Train with Zane: Eating for muscular definition."
Muscle & Fitness (Dec. 1994) 226.
Zvelebil, Marek,
"Postglacial Foraging in the Forests of Europe."
Scientific American (May 1986) 104-15.
Documents the Neolithic Revolution in Europe.
STEFANSSON (all-meat diet) STUDIES
Lieb, Clarence W., M.D.,
"The Effects on Human Beings of a Twelve Months' Exclusive Meat Diet."
Journal of the American Medical Association (July 6, 1929) 20-22.
Stefansson's famous yearlong experiment with an all-meat diet at Bellevue Hospital in New York.
McClellan, Walter S., Henry J. Spencer, Emil A. Falk, and Eugene Du Bois,
"Clinical Calorimetry: XLIII.
A Comparison of the Thresholds of Ketosis in Diabetes, Epilepsy, and Obesity."
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 80 (1928) 639-652.
_____ and Vincent Toscani,
"Clinical Calorimetry: XLIV.
Changes in the Rate of Excretion of Acetone Bodies During the Twenty-Four Hours."
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 80 (1928) 653-658.
______ and Eugene F. Du Bois,
"Clinical Calorimetry: XLV.
Prolonged Meat Diets With a Study of Kidney Function and Ketosis."
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 87 (1930) 651-668.
_____, Virgil R. Rupp, and Vincent Toscani
"Clinical Calorimetry: XLVI.
Prolonged Meat Diets With a Study of
Nitrogen, Calcium, and Phosphorous."
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 87 (1930) 669-680.
_____, Henry J. Spencer, and Emil A. Falk,
"Clinical Calorimetry: XLVII.
Prolonged Meat Diets with a Study of the Respiratory Metabolism."
Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 93 (1931) 419-434.
Tolstoi, Edward,
"The Effect of an Exclusive Meat Diet Lasting One Year
on the Carbohydrate Tolerance of Two Normal Men."
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 83 (1929) 747-752.
_____, "The Effect of an Exclusive Meat Diet
on the Chemical Constituents of the Blood."
Journal of Biological Chemistry Vol. 83 (1929)
Torrey, John C. and Elizabeth Montu,
"The Influence of an Exclusive Meat Diet on the Flora of the Human Colon."
Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol. 49
(1931) 141-176.
Ardrey, Robert,
African Genesis.
New York: Antheneum, 1961.
Ardrey, Robert,
The Hunting Hypothesis.
New York: Atheneum, 1976.
Atkins, Robert C.,
Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution.
New York: Bantam Books, 1972.
Atkins, Robert C.,
Dr. Atkins' Super-Energy Diet.
New York: Bantam Books, 1977.
Bernstein, M.D., Richard K.,
Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution.
Little, Brown & Co.: New York, 1997.
Bruce, Scott and Bill Crawford,
Cerealizing America: The Unsweetened Story of American Breakfast Cereal.
Boston & London: Faber and Faber, 1995.
Details the history of breakfast cereal in America
with a brilliant section on the history of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
as told somewhat fictitiously in the feature film The Road to Wellville.
Bryant, Vaughn,
"The Paleolithic Health Club."
1995 Yearbook of Science and the Future. Chicago:
Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. (1994) 114-133.
Budiansky, Stephen,
The Covenant of the Wild: Why Animals Chose Domestication.
New York: William Morrow & Co., Inc., 1992.
Explains the role of neoteny (domestication) in the Neolithic Revolution
and how it was as much a biological as a technological evolution.
Campbell, Ada Marie, Marjorie Porter Penfield and Ruth M. Griswold,
The Experimental Study of Food.
2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1979.
Chaitow, Leon,
Stone Age Diet.
London: Optima, 1987.
Chatwin, Bruce,
The Songlines.
New York: Viking, 1987.
Talks about the religion
of Australian Aborigines in particular and hunter gathering in general.
Cohen, Mark Nathan,
The Food Crisis in Prehistory: Overpopulation and the Origins of Agriculture.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.
How environmental changes led man to seek new food sources.
______, Health and the Rise of Civilization.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993.
How man's new food sources produced new diseases.
______ and G. J. Armelagos,
Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture.
New York: Academic Press, 1984.
Corballis, Michael L.,
The Lopsided Ape: Evolution of the Generative Mind.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Talks about how the difference in left and right
brain size affected the evolution of human behavior.
Crawford, Michael and Sheilagh,
What We Eat Today: The Food Manipulators vs. the People.
New York: Stein & Day, 1972.
Desowitz, Robert S.,
New Guinea Tapeworms and Jewish Grandmothers: Tales of Parasites and People.
New York, Avon Books, 1981.
Diamond, Jared,
The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal.
New York: Harper Perennial, 1992.
DiPasquale, Dr. Mauro,
The Anabolic Diet.
Optimum Training Systems, 1995.
Low-carbohydrate diet used by bodybuilders and professional wrestlers.
Eades, Michael R., MD,
Thin So Fast.
New York: Warner Books, 1989.
_____, Michael R., MD and Mary Dan, MD,
Protein Power.
New York: Bantam, 1995.
Highly recommended. Explains how low-carbohydrate diets work,
focusing especially on insulin resistance.
Excellent chapters on ancient diet and cholesterol metabolism.
Eaton, S. Boyd, Marjorie Shostak and Melvin Konner,
The Paleolithic Prescription.
New York: Harper & Row, 1988.
Arose from the landmark 1985 articlein The New England Journal of Medicine.
Constitutes a very conservative approach to Paleolithic Nutrition.
Farb, Peter and George Armelagos,
Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Eating.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1980.
Fieldhouse, Paul,
Food and Nutrition: Customs and Culture.
London: Croom Helm, 1986.
Gare, Fran and Helen Monica,
Dr. Atkins' Diet Cookbook.
New York: Bantam Books, 1974.
Gasset, Jose Ortega y,
Meditations on Hunting, 2nd Edition.
New York: Charles Scribner and Sons, 2007.
Modern ruminations on hunter-gatherer philosophy.
Gleick, James,
Chaos: Making a New Science.
New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1987.
Harris, Marvin and Eric B. Ross,
Food and Evolution: Toward a Theory of Human Food Habits.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987.
Note especially Chapter 8 entitled
"The Preference for Animal Protein and Fat: A Cross-Cultural Survey"
written by H. Leon Abrams, Jr.
_____, Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of Cultures.
New York: Random House, 1977.
The story of how the needs of crop species forced man to become civilized. [See newer edition]
_____, Good to Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.
Hunter, Beatrice Trum,
The Great Nutrition Robbery.
New York: Charles Scribner and Sons, 1978.
Lee, Richard B. and Irven Devore,
Man the Hunter.
Chicago: Alpine Publishing Co., 1968.
Mandelbrot, Benoit B.,
The Fractal Geometry of Nature.
New York: W. H. Freeman and Co., 1977.
McGee, Harold,
On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen.
New York: Collier Books, 1984.
Oelschlager, Max,
The Idea of Wilderness.
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1991.
Explains how our agricultural view of nature affects the environment.
Sauer, Carl O.,
Seeds, Spades, Hearths and Herds: The Domestication of Animals and Foodstuffs.
2nd ed., Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1969.
Sieden, Lloyd Steven,
Buckminster Fuller's Universe: An Appreciation.
New York & London: Plenum Press, 1989, 367-68.
Shepard, Paul,
The Tender Carnivore and the Sacred Game.
New York: Charles Scribner and Sons, 1998.
A manifesto concerning how agriculture and neoteny
conspire to oppress humans and destroy the environment.
Simopoulos, M. D., Artemis P. and Jo Robinson,
The Omega Plan: the Medically Proven Diet That Gives You the Essential Nutrients You Need to Greatly Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, .....
New York: Harperaudio, 1998.
Spencer, Colin,
The Heretic's Feast: A History of Vegetarianism.
Hanover & London: University Press of New England, 1995.
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur,
Cancer: Disease of Civilization.
New York: Hill and Wang, 1960.
Documents the unsuccessful search for cancer
and other autoimmune disorders among hunter-gatherers.
_____, Hunters of the Great North.
New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1922.
_____, The Fat of the Land (originally, Not By Bread Alone, 1946).
New York: Macmillan, 1956.
The definitive, and only, book on pemmican.
Trinkaus, Erik and Pat Shipman,
The Neanderthals: Changing the Image of Mankind.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993.
Voegtlin, MD, FAPC, Walter L.,
The Stone Age Diet: Based on in-depth studies of human ecology and the diet of man.
New York: Vantage Press, 1975.
Relies on studies of ecology and the human digestive system
to support the idea that humans are primarily carnivorous.
Tannahill, Reay,
Food in History.
New York: Stein & Day, 1973.
Talks about the origins of the foods we eat today.
Winterhalder, Bruce and Eric Alden Smith,
Hunter-Gatherer Foraging Strategies: Ethnographic and Archeological Analyses (Prehistoric Archeology and Ecology).
Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1981.
Wright, Robert,
The Moral Animal: Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1994.
Discusses how our hunting and gathering instincts are the
evolutionary basis of our morality.
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May 2000