Book Review
Table of Contents |
This is one of the earliest books to discuss the Caveman's Guide to Nutrition. This book was first published in 1995, and the author has just released the 4th edition of his book. I very much appreciate the review copy Ray sent me last year, and hoping to see a copy of the new edition. I also enjoyed seeing a nice review of this book on TV last spring, and the interview of About Ray is worth reading to get a sense of who Ray is.
The Web sites listed above have some excellent links describing Paleolithic Nutriton. Basically, Ray feels that a natural diet is best, and this means the absence of processing and technology affecting the food choices we make. Ray has a list of "Never Eat" foods (that are usually man processed before eating), and these include grains, beans, potatoes, dairy and sugar. Ray's list of foods you should eat include: meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries. You know: what you would find if you were out in the woods ! His theory is: you can survive with these foods, and need nothing else. He takes this one step further and suggests that the "Never Eat" foods. At first this seems a bit severe and harsh. As you think about it, however, this makes sense, and those of us who are striving for a low carb or more balanced eating approach to nutrition can begin to grasp what Ray is suggesting. The group of individuals who are eating this way is growing, and just look at the best seller book list and you will see several titles all suggesting variations on his theories.
Ray promotes understanding of what his nutritional guideliens are all about. He goes through each group and why it is important, and how to feel successful following this eating plan. He also provides extensive explanations that are very readable of why he is suggesting this way of eating.
I like the series of menu's "What I Ate Last Week", and follows that
with some excellent recipes. Towards the end of the book is an extensive
FAQ that addresses some of the concerns of readers. For those with gluten
GFlinks.com or dairy allergie NoMilk.com,
what Audette says makes perfect sense. Having grown up with a dairy allergy,
and having several friends with known gluten allergies (and many others
who aren't aware of their allergies, I really appreciate this approach
to nutrtion, and the extensive link to other informaiton.
More and more we are seeing links to allergies related to the very
food listed as 'forbidden'.
Audette also touches on the field of Insulin Resistance and Obesity,
and currently being researched.. There are some excellent web links on
the web site: PaleoDiet.com should
you need further information about this most exciting topic. Health is being
revolutionized as individuals descover the benefits of simplifying their
What impressed me about this book was the extensive list of scientific references. I went to my local library and found some of the Scientific American's. They were very detailed, but relevant to the topic.The references he cites are easily located. The book and references speak for themselves. Thank you again, Ray, for my review copy.
Ray describes himeself as a falconer, and has become quite an expert on Paleolithic Nutrition. He has a BS Degree from the University of Texas, and is involved in publishing and its related fields.
Troy Gilchrist is Ray's assistant and helps promote the book.