Can The Caveman Diet Give You A Lift?
by Rachel Albert-Matesz, B.A.

This one was sent to Natural Body Building & Fitness!!!

Did you know that for about two million years, prior to the advent of
agriculture (a mere 10,000 years ago), all humans were hunter-gatherers who
ate only meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds--no grains, beans,
dairy, refined sugar, or processed food?  Today, some isolated
hunter-gatherer groups still eat this way and enjoy exceptional health and
fitness.  According to anthropologist  S. Boyd Eaton, M.D., co-author of The
Paleolithic Prescription, extensive research reveals that these people are
practically untouched by the degenerative diseases that disable so many
modern people---obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc.  The same
research has shown that the typical hunter gatherer is as lean, strong and
fit as the typical professional athlete even into old age.
 A growing body of evidence suggests that the hunter-gatherer (or paleo)
diet supports optimal physical health and human performance because it
supplies more of the body building nutrients than most high-carb, low-fat
diets based upon grain and cereal products.  More body builders and power
lifters are turning this way of earing to increase energy, gain lean mass,
lose body fat, develop Neanderthal strength and fitness, and prevent
degenerative diseases.
 Prior to entering college, Dale Hahn, a 26-year old engineering student,
long-time power lifter and fitness enthusiast from Ontario, Canada was lean,
strong and muscular. Although he hadn¹t yet heard of the Paleo diet, he
recalls following his natural feeding instincts--which led him to eat more
vegetables, fruits, and meats than the average joe.
 In college, however, Hahn felt pressure to comply with the current food
pyramid diet and began subsisting on the food available:  less fresh produce
and meat and more (inexpensive) processed grain products.  Eating under
filled sandwiches and skipping meals because such a high starch intake was
unappealing, he lost 40 pounds of lean mass, developed low blood sugar, and
annoying endocrine imbalances. To turn things around, Hahn returned to more
instinctive eating pattern....eating as he imagines a barbarian chieftain
would have eaten.  Whereas, a majority of athletes and his peers load up on
bread and noodles, Hahn now loads up on fresh veggies and fruits and ample
protein.  Although he is at times been razzed for going against the grain,
he knows the value of following his appetite for nutrient-dense foods.
 Dr. Dave Lewandowski, a 36-year old chiropractor, power lifter, avid hiker,
husband, and father, from Pasadena, California recalls that he felt terrible
had no energy, extremely low blood sugar bouts, and worsening allergies
prior to adopting a Paleo diet, about five years ago, after hearing about
The Anabolic Diet by Mauro Di Pasquale, M.D.
 ³All of my personal research on the subject confirms that this is as close
to eating as man has eaten for millions of years,² says Lewandowski, whose
favorite paleo book is  NeanderThin by Raymond Audette. ³I like the simple
philosophy it outlines, based on sound principles.  You don¹t eat this way
to treat a health condition but rather, to support the body¹s own healing
capacity² he emphasizes.
 ³It [the paleo diet] really blew away my expectations.  My energy, memory,
moods, sleep and strength all improved astronomically.  I became more
muscular and no longer held so much water bloat.  I can train more often
when eating strictly paleo because of improved recovery.²
 ³At first it [initial switch] was hard because I was a pure sugar burner
and had to force my body to become efficient at using fats for energy.  The
initial carb depletion period is hell.  But, I¹m glad I went through it.  I
think this is the biggest barrier to those just starting out.  Now, at
almost 37 years of age, I feel better than at any other time in my life,
including childhood!²
 Dr. Lewandowski highly recommends the paleo diet to all of his patients and
has converted several fellow power lifters and team mates, including 36-year
old Chris Patton, a surgeon and teacher from Los Angeles, California, who
went from 185 pounds at 20% body fat to 165 pounds at 10% body fat in three
months following a low-carb Paleo diet.  Patton also noticed that he had
more energy and less hunger even though he kept his carbs in the ketogenic
range most days.
 How do these modern day Neanderthal¹s eat and exercise?
 While dieting, Patton ate roughly 100-150 grams of protein per day, divided
between three to five high protein, low-carb, relatively low-fat feedings.
He allowed himself  one or two ³free meals² per week as well as low-carb
berries three to five time per week.  Currently, he¹s focusing on
maintenance.   Each week he performs two HIT (high intensity training)
weight workouts, two martial arts workouts, and walks once or twice.
 Lewandowski eats three to four meals and two snacks daily and does two
brief high intensity weight  sessions per week then hikes on the weekend
(with his daughter on his back).  He eats about 200 to 400 grams of protein
each day--mainly lightly cooked beef, venison, elk, fresh ocean fish, and on
most days, three to six whole eggs.  He consumes 50 to 70 grams of
carbohydrates on most days and guesstimates that approximately 30 to 50% of
his calories come from protein, 5 to 15% from carbs, and 50 to 70% from fat.

 In the early stages, he allowed for the weekend to be a carb loading
free-for-all but finds that the longer he eats this way, the less he can
tolerate or even desires a ³cheat meal,² let alone a ³cheat day² or ³cheat
weekend.²  ³Eating too many carbs, especially from grain or sugar, gives me
digestive distress...² says Lewandowski, who prefers sharing frozen berries
with his daughter most nights, plus a sane Friday night splurge: a box of
frozen, chocolate covered bananas, coconut popsicles, a luscious fruit
smoothie, or dates stuffed with pecans, which he says taste like pecan pie.
 Hahn typically eats between three and seven times a day, depending upon his
activity level---usually two to four weight training sessions, two runs, and
one or two hour-long walks, two to four times a week.  He eats about 200 to
400 grams of protein per day and gets about one-third of his calories from
protein with the remainder roughly divided between carbohydrates and fats
and oils. Most of his carbs come from a variety of fresh vegetables and
fruits.  Although he doesn¹t buy non-paleo foods, he eats some grains when
he¹s in social situations that leave few other options.
 Both Lewandowski and Hahn abhor calorie restriction, although they are not
in favor of gluttony.  They eat a large volume of food and prefer to use
their appetites and instincts--rather than predetermined numbers--to decide
how much to eat on any given day.  This has proven to be fruitful for Hahn
whose body fat ranges from 11 to 14% and for Lewandowski who has competed in
one strong man contest and 30 to 40 power lifting meets and is currently
training for the 2000 AAU Raw Nationals, to be held in June.  No doubt,
Patton, the new kid on the Paleo block, will be a force to be reckoned with
the longer he eats this way too!
 These are just three examples of modern athletes who are profiting by
applying Paleolithic dietary principles.  If you would like to develop
Neanderthal strength, fitness, maximum immunity, and protection against an
onslaught of modern offenses, read on:

*  NeanderThin by Raymond Audette
*  The Protein Power Life Plan by Michael Eades, M.D., and Mary Dan Eades,

Bio:  Rachel Albert-Matesz  is a Healthy Cooking Coach, cooking instructor,
freelance nutrition journalist, water filtration expert and paleo diet
enthusiast who currently resides in Phoenix, AZ. Previously in Toledo, OH.
Her website: The Healthy Cooking Coach

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