Here's an example split body routine (only 30-40min max --
only each body part once a week):
- Mon: pecs/tris
- Tue: abs
- Wed: hams/calves
- Thu: lats/delts/bis
- Fri: abs
- Sat: quads
- Sun: stretching/breathing/flexing
Here's an example day's schedule and diet:
- Wake up: drink some green tea.
- Workout: heavy weights -- selected body parts.
- First meal right after workout: 3/4 lb chicken breast + 1 cup
chopped green pepper and tomatoes.
- Mid morning meal: 3/4 lb steak + 1/2 sliced peach.
- Lunch: 3/4 lb pork loin + 1 cup chopped onions and cucumber.
- Early Dinner: 3/4 lb mix of steak + 1/2 squash.
- Later dinner: 3/4 lb chicken + 1/2 cup blueberries.
This includes at least 5 liters of spring water and an omega-3 fatty
acid supplement (fish body oils). Some days I include more meat or
vary the amounts of fruits or veggies depending on how I feel.
More information on paleo-nutrition can be found by reading
PaleoFOOD mailing list.